
From its conception 50 years ago, McCarthy’s has expanded into the largest privately owned removals and storage business in the North.

The Task

Sculpt was invited to review the booking system for storage bookings with a view to improving the conversion from enquiry to booking and thus the overall number of bookings.

Sculpt Analysis

As with all briefs Sculpt commenced with a full review of the existing booking system and all analytics and data that was relevant.

The system was effectively a website enquiry registration process with a manual offline call back system.

Sculpt’s analysis identified a number of challenges;

-the website was not correctly tagged meaning PPC activity could not be tracked, web actions recorded  or an accurate Cost Per Enquiry figure established.

-the call back records system was manual with possibilities of error

-there was no way of aligning the manually recorded call back records with media investment or website UX activity

-the desired action from most enquiries, was a quotation, which the website was unable to deliver.

Sculpt Recommendations

Phase 1 – tagging, UX and A/B testing

Sculpt analysis had identified that the most pressing digital issue was the absence of accurate data on which to base further actions. As part of a prioritised approach Sculpt’s’  initial recommendation was to implement tagging systems in order to measure website and media performance.

This in turn revealed a number of UX issues with the website.

Sculpt subsequently devised an A/B homepage test with the variant significantly outperforming the original homepage.

Phase 2 – online booking    

Insight had identified that the desired website action from a prospect enquiry perspective, was to get a quote and make a booking, as opposed to waiting for a call back.

As such, Sculpt designed and built an online booking system via the payment of a deposit and the generation of a unique reference number. This number could be followed up with auto generated emails.

This facility achieved three things;

– it provided the prospect with their desired outcome (unlike the previous system)

– it moved them further down the purchase process

– it removed any opportunity for “prospect leakage” between enquiry and follow up (unlike the previous manual system)

Phase 3  – new call tracking system 

The third phase of the recommendation was the introduction of a call tracking system which could capture the web origin of a call be it organic , PPC and if so, which term. Again this system captured all enquiries and feed them into the email system, thus ensuring no leakage.


Following the introduction of a richer set of data Sculpt we able to better measure the full customer journey and combined with a A/B test of the homepage resulted in over 1,200 new enquiries a year.