Sculpt Recommendations
Sculpt’s recommendations were that given the many technical issues with the site, that the entire site should be replatformed from Umbraco onto WordPress. The client having spent significantly on the existing site was understandably reluctant to potentially, in their words, “throw good money after bad”.
Sculpt as a lower cost first stage, suggested a UX test with a Sculpt designed revised home page.
The test homepage sat on a new url with 50% of traffic directed to this new url.
Results were immediately improved, with significant increases in the numbers of all key actions.
The success of this exercise then gave the client confidence to proceed with the full replatforming exercise.
All content was then painlessly moved from the old Umbraco platform to the new WordPress platform. In executing this, all legacy site SEO issues were addressed, as well as enhancing the site functionality and ability to introduce new content more easily.