
University Centre Quayside is a new higher education institute born out of Higher Education Act of 2017. The University’s purpose is to provide work based learning, degree apprenticeships and specifically the Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship. This is funded by a levy on all companies with a payroll over £3 million.

The Task

The task was essentially to increase employer engagement.

Sculpt Analysis

Sculpt’s review, after considering all relevant data, identified a number of issues.

Firstly that there was very low awareness and understanding of UCQ and its function.

Secondly, that better signposting and personalised content was required for the website. This is because the website has to service a number audiences, including employers, students and prospective students.

Thirdly, that the most critical audience from a decision making perspective is the FD. It is invariably  the FD who ultimately decides whether to fund employee training or not.

Sculpt Recommendations

Phase 1 – New navigation, UX and dynamic personalised content 

Having identified different content requirements by very different audience groups, Sculpt introduced a new navigation and improved UX to the website. In addition to this Sculpt also created dynamic perosnalised content for different user groups upon self identification.

Phase 2 – Online Calculator

The analysis phase had identified the significance of the FD. The FD’s concern, inevitably is the cost when balanced with the company’s contribution via the levy. Sculpt created a calculator which allowed the FD to identify the Government contribution to the training and thus the discount on cost available to the employer.

Phase 3 – Forms

Sculpt identified that a key issue in conversion was form completion drop off. Sculpt redesigned and simplified the application forms with dramatic results.


Following the introduction of a richer set of data Sculpt we able to better measure the full customer journey and combined with a A/B test of the homepage resulted in over 1,200 new enquiries a year.